
There shall be five (5) categories of membership of KNSS,


  1. Ordinary Membership
  2. Associate Membership
  3. Corporate Membership
  4. Undergraduate Student Membership, and
  5. Honorary Membership
  • Ordinary Member
    12 months
    Package price

    The voting membership will comprise ordinary members as follows:

    1. Any person with a Bachelors degree in Statistics (Biostatics, Biometrics inclusive) from a recognized institution shall be eligible for ordinary membership of KNSS and shall, subject to the approval of the Executive committee on payment of membership fee of Ksh. 5,000 when joining and payment of an annual subscription of Ksh. 2,000, or
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  • Associate Member
    12 months
    Package price

    Any person/group that does not qualify to be an Ordinary Member but is interested in the activities of KNSS may be recommended by any Ordinary Member to the Executive Committee for Associate Membership. The membership shall become effective with the approval of the General meeting. Associate members shall pay an entry fee of Ksh. 5,000 for associate membership and an annual subscription fee of Ksh. 2,000. Associate members shall have no voting rights.

  • Student Member
    12 months
    Package price

    Post-graduate students in Kenya and abroad that are specializing in Statistics. Student membership is open upon payment of entry fee of Ksh. 500 and annual subscription fee of Ksh. 500. Student membership shall have no voting rights.